This last weekend I headed down to Middle Creek Wildlife preserve to photograph the snow geese and any other water fowl that happened to be there. On the way there out in a field I saw a small group of snow geese chilling. So I grabbed my camera and my telephoto lens(70-200) and took some shots...I was so exited to get the shots that I only checked to make sure my aperture was in the right setting....but not my shutter speed. I though I had it in aperture priority instead I had it in manual and the shutter was a bit slow..
But....hold on..
I liked the way the flock of birds were moving and I had to do something with the shot...couldn't let it sit on the hard drive and collect virtual dust. So opened it up in Lightroom 4 and started to play with it...1 hour later and half a bag of pistachios...voila!
Sometimes you can turn a oops shot into something interesting.